
SE «UPQI» is a powerful informational platform for professional and individual trainings and development.

SE «UPQI»’s specialists on regular basis organize and conduct planned and individual trainings focused on practical aspects of implementation of knowledge in area of manufacturing and quality control of medicines.

A team of lecturers, trainers and experts consists of people who are a real professionals with a creative approach, profound knowledge of the subject of trainings and originality of thinking.

Therefore, all training activities are held at high teaching and organizational level.

SE «UPQI» conducts:
- seminars on Good Manufacturing/Distribution Practices with discussion of up-to-date issues concerning the organization of the pharmaceutical production, pharmaceutical quality system etc.;
- trainings for the stuff of quality laboratories and microbiological laboratories;
- seminars on personnel management and main production documentation of the pharmaceutical company.

For more details please visit Ukrainian version of our website or contact us in any convenient way.

Upcoming events

Trainers / Lecturers

Oleksandr Syrotchuk

Head of Department at State Enterprise «Central Laboratory for Quality Control of Medicines and Medical Products»